Symmetric Ciphers


Cipher cipher(
    byte[] key, 
    String keyAlgorithm, 
    String cipherAlgorithm, 
    Mode mode

Returns a symmetric cipher for the given key, key algorithm, cipher algorithm and mode.

Usage Example

Random rng = new SecureRandom();
byte[] iv = new byte[8];
byte[] key = symmetricKey("DESede");
Cipher encrypter = Bruce.cipher(key, "DESede", "DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding", ENCRYPT);
Cipher decrypter = Bruce.cipher(key, "DESede", "DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding", DECRYPT);
byte[] clearText = "Hi there".getBytes(UTF_8);
byte[] cypherText = encrypter.encrypt(iv, clearText);
byte[] decryptedText = decrypter.encrypt(iv, cypherText);
assertArrayEquals(clearText, decryptedText);

Cipher By Key

CipherByKey cipher(
    String keyAlgorithm, 
    String cipherAlgorithm, 
    Mode mode

Returns a cipher where the key can be passed at runtime through the returned interface.

Usage Example

Random rng = new SecureRandom();
byte[] iv = new byte[8]; // initialization vector
byte[] key = symmetricKey("DESede");
CipherByKey encrypter = cipher("DESede", "DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding", ENCRYPT);
CipherByKey decrypter = cipher("DESede", "DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding", DECRYPT);
byte[] plainText = "Hi there".getBytes(UTF_8);
byte[] cypherText = encrypter.encrypt(key, iv, plainText);
byte[] decryptedText = decrypter.encrypt(key, iv, cypherText);
assertArrayEquals(plainText, decryptedText);

Encoding Cipher

EncodingCipher cipher(
    String key, 
    String keyAlgorithm, 
    String cipherAlgorithm, 
    Mode mode, 
    Charset charset, 
    Encoding encoding

Returns an encoding cipher. The key must also be encoded with the specified encoding. The character set refers to the plain text message string encoding.

Usage Example

Random rng = new SecureRandom();
byte[] ivBA = new byte[8]; // initialization vector byte array
String iv = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(ivBA);
String key = symmetricKey("DESede", BASE64);
EncodingCipher encrypter = cipher(key, "DESede", "DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding", ENCRYPT, UTF_8, BASE64);
EncodingCipher decrypter = cipher(key, "DESede", "DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding", DECRYPT, UTF_8, BASE64);
String plainText = "Hi there";
String cypherText = encrypter.encrypt(iv, plainText);
String decryptedText = decrypter.encrypt(iv, cypherText);
assertEquals(plainText, decryptedText);

Encoding Cipher By Key

EncodingCipherByKey cipherByKey(
    String keyAlgorithm, 
    String cipherAlgorithm, 
    Mode mode, 
    Charset charset

Same as encoding cipher but allows you to provide the keys at runtime.

Usage Example

Random rng = new SecureRandom();
byte[] ivBA = new byte[8]; // initialization vector byte array
String iv = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(ivBA);
String key = symmetricKey("DESede", BASE64);
EncodingCipherByKey encrypter = cipherByKey("DESede", "DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding", ENCRYPT, UTF_8);
EncodingCipherByKey decrypter = cipherByKey("DESede", "DESede/CBC/PKCS5Padding", DECRYPT, UTF_8);
String clearText = "Hi there";
String cypherText = encrypter.encrypt(key, iv, clearText, BASE64);
String decryptedText = decrypter.encrypt(key, iv, cypherText, BASE64);
assertEquals(clearText, decryptedText);

Last updated