Asymmetric Ciphers


Cipher cipher(Key key, String algorithm, Mode mode);

Returns an asymmetric cipher.

Usage Example

KeyStore aliceKeystore = keystore("classpath:/keystore-alice.p12", "password".toCharArray(), "PKCS12");
KeyStore bobKeystore = keystore("classpath:/keystore-bob.p12", "password".toCharArray(), "PKCS12");
Key alicePrivateKey = privateKey(aliceKeystore, "alice", "password".toCharArray());
Key bobPrivateKey = privateKey(bobKeystore, "bob", "password".toCharArray());
Key alicePublicKey = publicKey(aliceKeystore, "alice");
Key bobPublicKey = publicKey(bobKeystore, "bob");

Cipher encryptForAlice = cipher(alicePublicKey, "RSA", ENCRYPT);
Cipher decryptForAlice = cipher(alicePrivateKey, "RSA", DECRYPT);
Cipher encryptForBob = cipher(bobPublicKey, "RSA", ENCRYPT);
Cipher decryptForBob = cipher(bobPrivateKey, "RSA", DECRYPT);

// Alice writes to Bob
byte[] aliceMsg01 = "Hello".getBytes(UTF_8);
byte[] aliceMsg01Encrypted = encryptForBob.encrypt(aliceMsg01);

// Bob decrypts Alice's message
byte[] aliceMsg01Decrypted = decryptForBob.encrypt(aliceMsg01Encrypted);

// Bob responds to Alice's message
byte[] bobMsg01 = "Hey Alice, nice to hear from you.".getBytes(UTF_8);
byte[] bobMsg01Encrypted = encryptForAlice.encrypt(bobMsg01);

// Alice decrypts Bob's message
byte[] bobMsg01Decrypted = decryptForAlice.encrypt(bobMsg01Encrypted);

Cipher By Key

CipherByKey cipher(Map<String, Key> keys, String algorithm);

Returns a cipher interface for working with a map of preconfigured keys.

Usage Example

KeyStore aliceKeystore = keystore("classpath:/keystore-alice.p12", "password".toCharArray(), "PKCS12");
KeyStore bobKeystore = keystore("classpath:/keystore-bob.p12", "password".toCharArray(), "PKCS12");
Key alicePrivateKey = privateKey(aliceKeystore, "alice", "password".toCharArray());
Key bobPrivateKey = privateKey(bobKeystore, "bob", "password".toCharArray());
Key alicePublicKey = publicKey(aliceKeystore, "alice");
Key bobPublicKey = publicKey(bobKeystore, "bob");

Map<String, Key> keys = Map.of(
        "alice-public", alicePublicKey,
        "alice-private", alicePrivateKey,
        "bob-public", bobPublicKey,
        "bob-private", bobPrivateKey

CipherByKey cipher = cipher(keys, "RSA");

// Alice writes to Bob
byte[] aliceMsg01 = "Hello".getBytes(UTF_8);
byte[] aliceMsg01Encrypted = cipher.encrypt("bob-public", ENCRYPT, aliceMsg01);

// Bob decrypts Alice's message
byte[] aliceMsg01Decrypted = cipher.encrypt("bob-private", DECRYPT, aliceMsg01Encrypted);
assertArrayEquals(aliceMsg01, aliceMsg01Decrypted);

// Bob responds to Alice's message
byte[] bobMsg01 = "Hey Alice, nice to hear from you.".getBytes(UTF_8);
byte[] bobMsg01Encrypted = cipher.encrypt("alice-public", ENCRYPT, bobMsg01);

// Alice decrypts Bob's message
byte[] bobMsg01Decrypted = cipher.encrypt("alice-private", DECRYPT, bobMsg01Encrypted);
assertArrayEquals(bobMsg01, bobMsg01Decrypted);

Encoding Cipher

EncodingCipher cipher(
    Key key, 
    String algorithm, 
    Mode mode, 
    Encoding encoding, 
    Charset charset

Returns an encoding cipher. The character set refers to the plain text message string encoding.

Usage Example

KeyStore aliceKeystore = keystore("classpath:/keystore-alice.p12", "password".toCharArray(), "PKCS12");
KeyStore bobKeystore = keystore("classpath:/keystore-bob.p12", "password".toCharArray(), "PKCS12");
Key alicePrivateKey = privateKey(aliceKeystore, "alice", "password".toCharArray());
Key bobPrivateKey = privateKey(bobKeystore, "bob", "password".toCharArray());
Key alicePublicKey = publicKey(aliceKeystore, "alice");
Key bobPublicKey = publicKey(bobKeystore, "bob");

EncodingCipher encryptForAlice = cipher(alicePublicKey, "RSA", ENCRYPT, BASE64, UTF_8);
EncodingCipher decryptForAlice = cipher(alicePrivateKey, "RSA", DECRYPT, BASE64, UTF_8);
EncodingCipher encryptForBob = cipher(bobPublicKey, "RSA", ENCRYPT, BASE64, UTF_8);
EncodingCipher decryptForBob = cipher(bobPrivateKey, "RSA", DECRYPT, BASE64, UTF_8);

// Alice writes to Bob
String aliceMsg01 = "Hello";
String aliceMsg01Encrypted = encryptForBob.encrypt(aliceMsg01);

// Bob decrypts Alice's message
String aliceMsg01Decrypted = decryptForBob.encrypt(aliceMsg01Encrypted);
assertEquals(aliceMsg01, aliceMsg01Decrypted);

// Bob responds to Alice's message
String bobMsg01 = "Hey Alice, nice to hear from you.";
String bobMsg01Encrypted = encryptForAlice.encrypt(bobMsg01);

// Alice decrypts Bob's message
String bobMsg01Decrypted = decryptForAlice.encrypt(bobMsg01Encrypted);
assertEquals(bobMsg01, bobMsg01Decrypted);

Encoding Cipher By Key

EncodingCipherByKey cipher(
    Map<String, Key> keys, 
    String algorithm, 
    Encoding encoding, 
    Charset charset

Returns an encoding cipher with a set of preconfigured keys.

Usage Example

KeyStore aliceKeystore = keystore("classpath:/keystore-alice.p12", "password".toCharArray(), "PKCS12");
KeyStore bobKeystore = keystore("classpath:/keystore-bob.p12", "password".toCharArray(), "PKCS12");
Key alicePrivateKey = privateKey(aliceKeystore, "alice", "password".toCharArray());
Key bobPrivateKey = privateKey(bobKeystore, "bob", "password".toCharArray());
Key alicePublicKey = publicKey(aliceKeystore, "alice");
Key bobPublicKey = publicKey(bobKeystore, "bob");

Map<String, Key> keys = Map.of(
    "alice-public", alicePublicKey,
    "alice-private", alicePrivateKey,
    "bob-public", bobPublicKey,
    "bob-private", bobPrivateKey

EncodingCipherByKey cipher = cipher(keys, "RSA", BASE64, UTF_8);

// Alice writes to Bob
String aliceMsg01 = "Hello";
String aliceMsg01Encrypted = cipher.encrypt("bob-public", ENCRYPT, aliceMsg01);

// Bob decrypts Alice's message
String aliceMsg01Decrypted = cipher.encrypt("bob-private", DECRYPT, aliceMsg01Encrypted);
assertEquals(aliceMsg01, aliceMsg01Decrypted);

// Bob responds to Alice's message
String bobMsg01 = "Hey Alice, nice to hear from you.";
String bobMsg01Encrypted = cipher.encrypt("alice-public", ENCRYPT, bobMsg01);

// Alice decrypts Bob's message
String bobMsg01Decrypted = cipher.encrypt("alice-private", DECRYPT, bobMsg01Encrypted);
assertEquals(bobMsg01, bobMsg01Decrypted);

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