Message Authentication Codes


Mac mac(Key key, String algorithm);

Returns an interface for producing message authentication codes.

Usage Example

KeyStore keystore = keystore("classpath:/keystore.p12", "password".toCharArray(), "PKCS12");
Key key = secretKey(keystore, "hmac", "password".toCharArray());

Mac alice = mac(key, "HmacSHA1");
Mac bob = mac(key, "HmacSHA1");

byte[] message = "Hello there".getBytes(UTF_8);
byte[] aliceMac = alice.get(message);
byte[] bobMac = bob.get(message);
assertArrayEquals(aliceMac, bobMac);

Encoding MAC

EncodingMac mac(
    Key key, 
    String algorithm, 
    Encoding encoding, 
    Charset charset

Returns an interface for producing encoded message authentication codes. The character set refers to the plain text message string encoding.

Usage Example

KeyStore keystore = keystore("classpath:/keystore.p12", "password", "PKCS12");
Key key = secretKey(keystore, "hmac", "password");

EncodingMac alice = mac(key, "HmacSHA1", BASE64, UTF_8);
EncodingMac bob = mac(key, "HmacSHA1", BASE64, UTF_8);

String message = "Hello there";
String aliceMac = alice.get(message);
String bobMac = bob.get(message);
assertEquals(aliceMac, bobMac);

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